Monday 26 September 2011

In The Name of Market Research

Unfortunately my passion for baking comes at a price.  A very expensive price of regular training sessions with my personal trainer to alleviate the damage that extensive cupcake tasting has on my calorie intake.  I wouldn’t want it any other way! Who doesn’t love a cupcake?

My passion for cupcakes or ‘little buns’ as they were always known when I was growing up, goes way back.  My Mum would always get us involved in baking and every birthday as well as the home baked birthday cake, the little buns would always put in an appearance.

The American influence on good old British baking has transformed the small but perfectly formed little bun or fairy cake into a large muffin sized sponge and butter cream thing of beauty and I am first in the queue at any passing cupcake shop!

Speaking of cupcake shops I have to mention my favourite of all time ‘sweet tooth cupcakery’ in Chorlton Cum Hardy. Tucked away on the corner of a residential street this cheeky find (thanks Norma) has kept me going back for more and more.  Their cupcakes are simply divine.  The secret to their cupcake is the frosting, I still don’t know how they manage it but it is just the right sweetness. When you cut into a cupcake thinking I could only possibly eat half, yea right, why bother cutting it there is no way you are going to share the other half with anyone! Keep up the good work.

On a recent visit to Celebrate Grandma Dee's Birthday:

Waiting in anticipation!

Why not sample some of my cupcakes they come a close second!


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